Questions for Mel Martinez
As a Republican Candidate for
Senate in 2004 you will need to convince Florida voters that you are fiscally
responsible and can be trusted to represent them and their families. The
following questions are intended to help illuminate your performance by
"following the money trail" through key areas of your personal

As Co-Chair of the 'Bush for President' Campaign in Florida
(Election 2000)
made money from the improper "cleansing" of 57,000 legitimate
voters from the Florida voting rolls in 2000?
Links on Florida Voter Fraud & Black Box
got the money that Florida state pensions "lost" on Enron after
Enron helped finance the Florida 2000 Presidential election and
Jeb's team is buying with Floridians' money when Ken Lay is selling
– did Bush-Lay steal Floridians retirement savings?
Links on Enron
Note: Enron is the largest life time contributor to George W.
Bush – of the top 20 life-time contributors, 10 of them
are Enron related.
- What
was the total financing, soft money and other "support"
received by the Bush Florida Campaign from Lockheed Martin,
Northrup, GE and other significant beneficiaries of the
War on Terrorism as well as from their media subsidiaries
and affiliates?
Additional Links on Bush
Campaign Financing:
this graph from the Lockheed Martin Annual Proxy shows, the
Bush Election 2000 and 9/11 were great for Lockheed stockholders!
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