Condoleezza Rice


Press Coverage
Re: "An Open Letter to Condoleezza Rice"


In the News

  • Insider notes from United Press International (UPI) for April 13
  • Quote: There's a hole in the ranks of Team Bush. As Washington pundits tripped all over themselves to praise national security adviser Condoleezza Rice's appearance before the 9/11 Commission, a veteran of the first Bush administration, Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing, was sufficiently appalled and saddened to pen an open letter to Rice the following day containing four harsh accusations. The letter was sent via e-mail to President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and the commission's members. Excerpts of the letter follow: "Point #1: You are a liar. Attorney General (John) Ashcroft sits on the National Security Council. Warned by his FBI security detail, the head of law enforcement for the United States knew to avoid commercial airlines on September 11, 2001. It was your job as national security adviser to make sure that the people who flew on American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, United Airlines Flight 93 and American Airlines Flight 77 had the benefit of the same warnings as those they paid to protect us. You knew. You kept silent. They died." Fitts points out that Rice's job was to ensure the workers in the World Trade Center's South Tower had the necessary information about how to evacuate the building after the collapse of the North Tower. Fitts' second point labels Rice as having "transparent" motives, noting New York is a world financial center, while Washington houses the government's fiscal offices. "Unlike many other terrorist attacks, these attacks killed people whose family, friends and neighbors understand how these financial systems work. Victim families, friends and the residents of the communities directly harmed can calculate who made money on 9-11 profiteering. They can trace the flow of money into the 2004 presidential campaign coffers from the profits your supporters made as a result of 9-11 profiteering." For her third point, Fitts observes simply, "You are going down. The richest and most powerful people in the world pay for performance. They pay you to make the U.S. governmental apparatus look legitimate while they use it to centralize economic and political power. That means they need liars who are better at lying than you." Fitts concludes with her fourth point, "You are guilty of criminal gross negligence. If you want to catch a terrorist today, you need look no further than your own mirror," adding, "may God have mercy on your soul."

Open Letter Also Printed In









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