
We have created the "Hotseat" as a tool for everyday people to use to hold destructive officials accountable for their actions.

Our efforts to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren will succeed when we have leaders who promote transparency and integrity. The current leadership of our banks, corporations and governments are not doing this for us. We must take a stand, draw the line, challenge inappropriate behavior, insist on corrective action, and accept nothing less. As we put our corrupt leadership in the hotseat, we make it possible for excellent leadership to rise.

So if they lie, cheat and steal – or give a legitimate face to those who do – let's put 'em in the Hotseat!

Visit these Hotseats today - the first two are players in today's mortgage market power politics:

Photo of Stanley Sporkin Stanley Sporkin Hotseat
Former CIA General Counsel during Iran Contra, now appointed by Bush to "fix" Fannie Mae ...
Mel Martinez Hotseat
ormer US HUD Secretary, Mel is Bush's favorite to win in the Republican Senate Race down in Florida ...
Condoleezza Rice Hotseat
National Security Adviser, Condoleezza is central figure in the unanswered questions regarding 9-11, before and after


We have launched this Hotseat Website initially to showcase these notable officials who are currently in the media spotlight to illuminate key areas of responsibility and press for answers.

We invite you to help us turn the Hotseat into a powerful tool for social change.






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