Questions for Mel Martinez
#1 Why is $59 billion missing from your Agency, namely HUD, and who has
it? (Mel Martinez senate campaign issues)
As a Republican Candidate
for Senate in 2004 you will need to convince Florida voters that you are
fiscally responsible and can be trusted to represent them and their families.
The following questions are intended to help illuminate your performance
by "following the money trail" through key areas of your personal
As Co-Chair of the 'Bush for President' Campaign in Florida
(Election 2000)
made money from the improper "cleansing" of 57,000 legitimate
voters from the Florida voting rolls in 2000?
- Who
got the money that Florida state pensions "lost" on Enron after
Enron helped finance the Florida 2000 Presidential election and
- ...
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Secretary (2001-2003)
- Why
is $59 billion missing from your Agency, namely HUD, and
who has it?
- ...
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info & links ...
is the US Deptartment of Housing & Urban Development

$59 billion missing
from HUD!
Where is the money, Mel?
As Cabinet Secretary & Spokesperson for the Bush Administration
How many US jobs & small businesses have been lost since you joined
the Bush Cabinet, and who has made money moving those jobs offshore
while moving immigration in?
- Why
were numerous warnings of 9-11 by foreign officials ignored, and
how does this relate to 9-11 profiteering?
- Why
was a HUD-DOD contractor with a known record for employee involvement
in white slave trafficking & pedophilia given a $500 million sole
source contract to manage the prisons, judiciary & enforcement
in Iraq?
- ...
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info & links ...
As Candidate for US Senate (Florida 2004)
Who is financing your campaign?
While you were HUD Secretary, how many of your trips to Florida
were designed to 'grease the wheels' for your Senate campaign?
- ...
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background info
& links ...

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