Questions for Mel Martinez
As a Republican Candidate for
Senate in 2004 you will need to convince Florida voters that you are fiscally
responsible and can be trusted to represent them and their families. The
following questions are intended to help illuminate your performance by
"following the money trail" through key areas of your personal

As Candidate for US Senate (Florida 2004)
Who is financing your campaign?
Links on Campaign Financing:
- While you were HUD Secretary, how many
of your trips to Florida were designed to 'grease the wheels'
for your Senate campaign?
Links on HUD Florida
- Cui Bono (who benefits?): Who
will make money if you help deliver Florida for the Republicans
in 2004?
- Cui Bono: Who will make money if
you help deliver Latino voters nationwide to the Republicans in
- Cui Bono: Who manages the $500
million - $1 billion
(est.) of money laundered through the US financial system?
- You have recently joined the Akerman Senterfitt
law firm in Orlando – what is your annual compensation,
how many hours will you work, for what are you being compensated,
and who are Akerman Senterfitt's ten largest paying clients?
Links Related To Martinez's Employer, Akerman Senterfitt:
How have the Cuban people been affected by the imperial interests
& ambitions of the Bush Family Network, including Skull & Bones,
during the last four generations? Do you believe Cuba's future
should be determined by the Cuban people or by global financial
Links on Bush Family History:
- Do you believe that cleansing voter roles
of Americans through War on Drugs and voter role fraud & replenishing
them through immigration is an effective strategy for a political
Links on Financing the Presidential Campaign in 2000 and Efforts
with Latino Voters:
- Do you support a draft & how can America's
current military obligations be met without a draft?
Link on Florida Federal Contracts, including Defense:
- Do you support the privatization of Social
Given Your privatization of HUD assets at below market values
& the last decade of global transfer of public assets to benefit
private interests, is this not a form of piratization?
Links on Privatization "Give Aways" & Targeting of Leaders Who
Insisted on Market Price:
- Do you believe that a municipality should
be governed by its citizens & their elected representatives, or
by corporate interests?
Links Related to Employment in Mel Martinez's Hometown:
manages the Vatican's bank, investments & assets worldwide and
in the US?
What is Opus Dei & the Knights of Malta?
Do you believe that elected officials should swear oaths to private
groups that create potential conflicts of interest?
Have you ever taken an oath that would confict with your oath
of office & obligations to the people of Florida as a Senator?
Links Related to the Latest Best Seller Fictional Account of Opus
- Members of the Bush Administration have
taken the position that "Deficits Don't Matter" – do you
believe that deficits matter?
What is your plan to finance the US deficit going forward?
Links Related to Growing US Deficits:
Could greater US influence in the governance of Cuba help finance
the US deficit and enhance Vatican and Bush Family wealth?
Links Related to Possible Invasion of Cuba:
- What is the economic outlook for the average
How will federal & local privatizations after the election impact
our security?
Will subsidizing the stock market before the election
have consequences afterwards?
Link Regarding Impact
on the Economy:
- With $3.3 trillion disappearing from the
US government, which refuses to produce audited financial statements
or comply with reliable accounting practices and financial systems,
the US federal government cooks its books Enron-style (the worst
example of "cooked books" on the planet); a full 85%
of the federal budget goes to fund fiscally unreliable federal
so for example in 1999 the IRS collected $1.6 trillion in taxes
from individual taxpayers, or $5,688 per US resident, of which
$4,835 per US resident went to fund fiscally unreliable federal
agencies – meanwhile jobs and healthcare, social security
and retirement benefits are shrinking...?
Links on the Missing $Trillions and Failure of US Government to
Recover the Money:
- The
War on Waste, CBS Evening News, January 29, 2002
- reveals $2.3 trillion
unaccounted for at US Dept. of Defense
- Website: http://whereisthemoney.org
- details in a single year $1.1 trillion in assets missing from
US Dept. of Defense (FY2000) and $59 billion missing from US
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (FY1999)
- Government
Fails Fiscal-Fitness Test, by Kelly Patricia O Meara,
Insight Magazine, April 29, 2002
- summary analysis
of US government agencies'
own failing audit reports, including interview
with then U.S. Comptroller General David Walker
- Saving
Tennessee - The Real Deal, by Catherine
Austin Fitts, Scoop Media
- provides Census Data for IRS income taxes, US population,
etc., plus introductory background on the missing $trillions,
fiscal irresponsibility, and pressing campaign questions for
then Tennessee hopeful van Hillary
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